Formed for Fit.
Fitted for Safety.
Designed and manufactured with ThermoPore's micro-porous plastic technology, this patent pending design uses thermoformed materials that have been selected for maximum fit, comfort, and safety. N95 compliant and splash resistant (Level 3/160 mm Hg), this material can be molded into an infinite number of shapes and sizes.
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Based upon NIOSH's five headform sizes (Small, Med., Large., Short/Wide, Tall/Narrow), ThermoPore's N95 respirators are custom molded for your fit and for your safety. Loaded with features and subtle technological advances, the 3D molded shape immediately conforms to your face's shape for maximum comfort. Next gen N95 technology at work for you.
State-of-the-art production techniques provide a new alternative to traditional non-woven N95 respirator designs. Form-N-Fit N95s provide contour and shape to fit your face. One material science technology – infinite applications from the hospital OR to industrial manufacturing facility to the residential construction site. We’ve got you formed, fitted, and protected.


ThermoPore Materials Corp. has been manufacturing filter media since 2010, but COVID19 and the news reported in March 2020 ushered in a new call to action. "What can we do to assist America's front-line workers?", we asked ourselves. The question seemed so daunting at the time, but our steadfast belief in solutions rooted in material science spurred ideas, concepts, prototypes, and more. Nine months later, we're launching next gen N95 respirators. Proudly engineered and manufactured in the USA! American ingenuity and innovation remain embedded in who we are as a country - our ability to answer the world's call to action continue to be part of our legacy.
We've come a long way in nine months. We knew that N95s could be tough to wear for extended stretches, and we sympathized with anyone tasked with the same. America's bravest deserved a reliable domestic source of supply and design alternatives. We scrapped the early plans to take the easy road (circle shaped mask, two separate straps, melt blown non-woven). Instead, we leveraged NIOSH's research and challenged ourselves to produce a N95 that was formed to fit NIOSH's five basic headforms. In doing so we developed a flexible manufacturing platform that is capable of putting shape, safety, and comfort into N95. Form-N-Fit N95.
Rooted in the premise that N95s should be formed to fit instead of fitted to form, ThermoPore is committed to expanding this technology to even more sizes and face shapes. Each new size requires a new filing with NIOSH, so bear with us as we ramp up, but we plan to add a few more sizes and options to our current lineup. Post pandemic, we see a broad application in a variety of industrial markets were safety is required. Long term, we envision a flexible manufacturing platform that goes from face scan to production with the click of a pic - for the ultimate in mass customization. Until then, know that we're committed to the production of N95s with the safest fit, the most comfortable fit, and your favorite fit.
Where can I purchase the Form-N-Fit N95?
We are currently evaluating several sales channels to best serve healthcare providers, industry, and the general public. Sign up to receive notifications as we continue the develop these distribution channels, or please complete the Contact From below if you feel that your organization can help ThermoPore distribute Form-N-Fit N95s.
When will you start producing N95s and in what volumes will you be able to produce?
Production is scheduled to start in March 2021 at our plant in Newnan, Georgia. We are building one production line that will be capable of making 750,000 Form-N-Fit N95 respirators per month. Additional lines can be added in short order as demand for the Form-N-Fit N95 accelerates.
How do I determine my size? Is there a size chart?
The best way to determine your size is to measure the distance from the middle of your nose to your tip of your chin. You can use a piece of string of yarn to assist with this measurement. Then, compare that measurement to the length dimension in the table above. For reference, NIOSH has determined that nearly 50% of the US population is best fitted with a medium sized respirator.
How is the Form-N-Fit respirator different than other N95 respirators?
Great question. Well, for starters, the Form-N-Fit respirator is not made from the non-woven material that nearly every other manufacturer uses. As a result, we're not limited by the same raw material constraints as other manufacturers. Secondly, our N95 material is available in five NIOSH recommended sizes and pre-formed to shape. Formed to fit. Fitted for safety.
I need to order N95s in bulk volumes on a monthly basis. Can I purchase a fixed amount of production capacity for each month?
Yes, your business is critical to our growth strategy. Please complete the contact form below and type "Production Allocation" in the first line of the form and include your estimated monthly requirement. A member of our team will circle back to discuss available production capacity to ensure that you receive N95s when you need them at a fixed price for the extent of your commitment.